Ideal for operations requiring flexibility, the band saw can cut materials ranging from an inch to a six-foot block, depending on capacity. It is used for cutting various materials such as steel, aluminum, plastic, wood, silicon, glass and marble. A band saw is also used to get a smooth cut on harder metals such as titanium and nickel-based alloys. When operators use a band saw, they switch between various metal types more easily than with a circular saw. In addition to all these advantages of use, being cheaper than other saws is also an important reason for preference.

Curved or straight lines can be cut with the selected blade type. The blades are produced in various widths and with different numbers of teeth. Narrow blades are used for narrow curves, while wide blades are suitable for straight cuts. The super-thin, sharp and rotating blade ensures that the machine makes consistently smooth cuts. With the integration of different blades, the industrial band saw is made versatile and can cut into defined shapes on many different materials. The main criterion for choosing a band saw blade is the type and thickness of the material to be cut.

Industrial organizations that want their production tools to be precise gain more control by choosing the band saw. This is due to the design of the machine and the blade itself. Band saw blades are much narrower than the blades of other tools. Therefore, it reduces the amount of waste generated during the cutting process. This is a very important issue from an industrial point of view. If your production amount is high and 5% of it is completely wasted, it means that there will be a huge loss during the year. You can avoid this waste by using thinner and more convenient band saw blades. In this way, you reduce costs and maximize efficiency.